Escape to the past on the path of tolerance...

Escape into the history of witchcraft Start this escape

Občina Lenart

Get to know the history of witchcraft processes. Experience the story of unhappy love between Agata Nürnberger and Friderik Herberstein. The legend, based on the oral tradition, says that in the 16th century the young Friar friar of Orahov fell in love with the beautiful Agata from Štraleka (today Zg. Voličina). Their love was opposed by Friderik's mother, so keep the reports hidden in the church of St. James in Lormane. At the time when Count Friderik was at war, Agatha was condemned to witchcraft and executed. The legend in Slovenske gorice still lives today.

Path of tolerance...

Escape into the history of migration Start this escape

Občina Apače

»…Escape with me into the past, through history to this day. Let the thought of everything that was be the hope that your day will be better tomorrow…. …«

Apače, a small municipality in northeastern Slovenia, where the wide fields of fertile fertile land surround the hillsides of Slovenske gorice on the one side and, on the other hand, the mighty Mura River, full of living nature and mystery. Apače have an interesting cultural and natural heritage, especially the place is marked by the diversity of religions and immigration and emigration in the municipality of Apače through history. The Apaški Field has a number of groundbreaking events in its history, which have been marked by the following generations here. Although immigration and emigration in this area is present throughout history, our journey will begin in 1914, and the history of the place is much, much older (today's settlements of Segovci and Plitvice were first mentioned in writing among all 21 settlements, for the first time around 1106 , Apače around 1193-1220, but settlements existed for many years before).

image/svg+xml Escape into the history of religion Start this escape

Porabsko kulturno in turistično društvo Andovci

Have you been tired of gray working days and want to be flirting with you? Come to Andovci, overcome your fears and try in a ghost-filled room. If you are afraid and tremble, then do not walk close. But if you are brave enough and creative enough, tap on our door. Be sure to close them behind you. If you have survived the trial and are still interested in the characters of folk belief, return to us in October and take part in a walk on the "Devil's Way ", full of witches, devils and seas. If you have escaped from the escape room and walked the "Devious Way", we guarantee that you will also enjoy working days.


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Mestna občina Monošter

Upon arrival in Szentgotthard, the cistercians in 1740 first began to build their own dwelling, a monastery. Plans were made by Franz Anton Pilgram. They started with the construction of the southern tract into which the l. 1746. Today's part of the monastery was built around l. 1750, but around the church symmetrically planned northern part has not been realized yet. Discover the story of Cistercians in Monotor and travel in the history of diversity of religions in this area, which contains a treasure trove of cultural heritage.

Občina Sveta Ana

Experience a unique escape into the diversity of religions in the area of Sveta Ana, where Catholic and Evangelical faiths are intertwined. On the "path of tolerance" visitors can explore natural and cultural conditions, get refreshments with local providers and at the same time experience the cultural and natural heritage of this region.

image/svg+xml Escape into school through time Start this escape

Občina Sveti Andraž v Slovenskih goricah

The Municipality of Sveti Andraž in Slovenske gorice has a long history of education, since the first written mentions on the implementation of lessons from us since 1791. The regular implementation of education began in 1812. A part of the tourist product ESCAPE "Escape to school" was established in the museum interactive classroom through time , where we present to visitors the development of education at Sv. Andraž. Part of the classroom is decorated in an old fashion with school equipment from 100 years ago, with a chalkboard with a stand and chalkboard tables for pupils, while the modern part with modern school equipment, interactive whiteboard and projector and computer tables. The classroom also has a permanent exhibition of school supplies and school books from different periods. Kindly welcome to visit our places, experience the delicacies of home-based providers and travel with us to the history of schoolchildren and schoolchildren who were sitting in our benches in the past.

Escape into a natural park Start this escape

Občina Őriszentpéter

The Őrség National Park includes the area Őrség, Porabje, the area around Szentgyörgyvölgy. It covers a total of 44 settlements, close to 44,000 hectares. This beautiful landscape is located in the far southwestern part of the Iron County. In this region, covered by forests and plantations, the Hungarians conquered their guards to protect the western borders. From here, the province is called Őrség (guard). Get to know her beautiful natural features while escaping to a nature park and experience all the diversity of this precious natural heritage.

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